Jesus, My Lord, My Savior Who I will Only Believe
Your Word, Your Truth and Grace that has been given to me
Though in this world there are some many things
That compete for my Heart; my mind and my soul that sings
The fiery darts of the enemy, the sorcery and the trickery
Calling evil good and good evil attempting to deceive me
Calling evil good and good evil attempting to deceive me
Whispering, and taunting, with craftiness -- haunting
Every minute of every day, lying in wait to draw me away
From your Word your Truth, Your Life and Your Root
Every minute of every day, lying in wait to draw me away
From your Word your Truth, Your Life and Your Root
Saying if it feels good do it –this will give you popularity
Run with the Crowd -Telling me to only believe what I can see
Rather than your Love, light and Voice that is leading me
Run with the Crowd -Telling me to only believe what I can see
Rather than your Love, light and Voice that is leading me
But by your Spirit I contend for the Faith, I boldly say No
The Voice of a stranger I will not follow, Surely I won’t go!
The Voice of a stranger I will not follow, Surely I won’t go!
Having total Confidence in You, Assured, No one can take me from Your Hand
Nor cause me to leave Your Supply and return to the Law; that is Demand!
Nor cause me to leave Your Supply and return to the Law; that is Demand!
I trust You Lord, for You are Grace and You are Truth
The Vine, The Tree of Life, Incorruptible Seed of Good Fruit
The Vine, The Tree of Life, Incorruptible Seed of Good Fruit
I refuse to return to Bondage; to the things that this World considers liberty
Only Your Life and Your ways can Truly make one Free
Only Your Life and Your ways can Truly make one Free
I will look to the Hills for help from the Only God, who has Redeemed me
Knowing You are Faithful, I will walk by Faith though there’s much I cannot see
With eyes Fixed on You, Resting in your arms, I will remember your Words
I will Trust in you And “I WILL ONLY BELIEVE”
With eyes Fixed on You, Resting in your arms, I will remember your Words

By Shawntrell Davis
AKA GracedrReadyWriter June 9, 2015
AKA GracedrReadyWriter June 9, 2015
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